Strata Tip of the Week – The Risks Associated with Low Strata Fees

The Risks Associated with Low Strata Fees

There is no doubt that it’s important for strata corporations to be fiscally responsible. That being said, strata corporations whose main focus is keeping strata fees as low as possible can, at times, make decisions that lead to low strata fees in the short term, but significantly higher costs to the owners in the long term.

Some risks associated with very low strata fees include:
• Deferred repair and maintenance, which can result in premature failure of building components.
• Significant increases in strata fees every few years, rather than gradual yearly increases.
• An underfunded contingency reserve fund, resulting in significant special levies to the owners.
• Owner frustration as a result of undermaintained and underserviced grounds and amenities.
• Additional emergency expenses as a result of unexpected building component failures.
• Negative effects on real estate values as a result of negative perceptions of the strata corporation.

Because there are so many variables influencing expenses within a strata corporation (such as building size, location, amenities, long term planning strategies, etc.), caution should be taken when comparing one strata’s fees with another.

Because there are so many variables influencing expenses within a strata corporation (such as building size, location, amenities, long term planning strategies, etc.), caution should be taken when comparing one strata’s fees with another.

Working together with various industry experts, including Realtors, home inspectors and strata document review providers such as Condo Clear, will enable consumers to make more informed decisions on whether the stratas they are looking to purchase into are maintaining the property well and doing a good job budgeting for short and long term expenses.

Next week we’ll look at alterations within strata units, as reported on the Form B. If you have any suggestions for other topics you’d like us to cover, please let us know at [email protected].

A little about us:

  1. We are a fully licensed brokerage under the BCFSA, and carry Errors and Omissions (E&O) insurance.
  2. We’ve been in business since 2017 and have completed over 1,800 strata reviews to date province wide.
  3. Our Review Advisors have firsthand knowledge and experience. They’ve all been practicing strata managers.

A little about our services:

FAQs: How do Condo Clear’s services work?
Pricing: How much do Condo Clear’s services cost?

Here is a Sample Buyer’s Review that you can look through. If you have some time, we would love to setup a quick chat, to talk more about our review process and go over any specific needs you might have.


Ryan Stenquist & Magurel Mic

Condo Clear Services Inc.